11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet: Reap the Health Benefits


11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet. By ensuring that you consume an adequate amount of fibre, you may assist in the maintenance of a healthy heart, the control of your weight, and the prevention of type 2 diabetes. These foods that are high in fibre will be of assistance. 

11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Fiber-rich foods include green peas, chia seeds, raspberries, and avocado.

However, there are a tonne of additional health advantages to fibre! For instance, studies show that eating a lot of fibre can lower your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. A high-fiber diet was also linked to decreased incidence of breast and colon cancer, according to the study. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Additionally, eating fibre is linked to a healthier weight, per the Mayo Clinic. In fact, research has shown that you can lose weight by focusing just on increasing the amount of fibre in your diet. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Another method that it can support your health objectives? “Insoluble fibre increases feelings of fullness and frequency of bowel movements since it adds bulk to food and isn’t digested,” says Lubbock, Texas-based registered dietitian and recipe developer Kaleigh McMordie, RDN. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are two primary types: soluble and insoluble, and both have significant advantages. According to McMordie, “soluble fibre helps with blood sugar control by slowing the rate of digestion, which also slows how quickly glucose enters the bloodstream.” Additionally, soluble fibre bulks up stools by absorbing water in the intestines, which may help avoid diarrhoea. Concurrently, insoluble fibre aids in avoiding constipation. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Furthermore, fibre has additional benefits. According to McMordie, studies point to a possible protective effect of soluble fibre, which may be found in foods like muesli, nuts and pulses, against breast cancer. (Lentils, chickpeas, and beans are considered pulses; North Dakota State University says as much.) After reviewing 20 research, the authors of one review and meta-analysis found that those who ingested the most fibre had an 8 percent lower risk of breast cancer than those who consumed the least.

You don’t need to search far to locate fibre. In fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, it’s commonly found (MedlinePlus). 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

How Much Fiber Do You Need to Reap the Health Benefits?

According to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, men and women between the ages of 31 and 50 should consume 31 g and 25 g of fibre daily, respectively. According to Harvard Health Publishing, the average intake for Americans is 15 g, which is less than half of what most Americans get. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

It’s not difficult to include more fibre in your diet. Increased consumption of fiber-rich foods can be surprisingly simple, and they also taste good. (Maybe some avocado toast?) 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

“As a starting point, I always suggest getting the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables per day and making at least half of your grains whole grains to get enough fibre,” advises McMordie. “Adding fibre throughout the day can also be achieved by snacking on high-fiber foods like nuts, whole-grain crackers, or high-fiber cereal,” she advises. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

These are the top 11 resources to help you increase the amount of fibre in your diet.

Green Peas Up Your Fiber and Provide Essential Vitamins

Green Peas high fiber

Despite their small size, peas include a surprising quantity of fibre: 4 g per ½ cup, or 14% of the dietary value (DV), according to the USDA. “Adding a few handfuls of frozen peas to pasta and rice dishes is a simple way to add green veggies,” advises Summit, New Jersey-based Hannah Sakimura, RD, a contributing health writer for Everyday Health. Other use for peas? According to McMordie, “you can mash them into dips and spreads for toast or crackers.” 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Sakimura adds that “peas supply vitamin K, which may help maintain bone strength, and vitamin A, which may help support healthy skin and eyes, in addition to fibre.” 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Artichokes Are Full of Fiber and Low in Calories


Artichoke high fiber

We regret to inform you that artichoke dip lacks fibre. You can if you eat the vegetable. The USDA reports that half an artichoke (the edible base of the petals) has 3 g of fibre, accounting for 11% of the daily value. Eating that much gives you only 30 calories. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Even if you’ve never cooked artichokes, you can still get their fibre benefits. McMordie adds canned artichoke hearts are easy to cook and may be used in salads, spaghetti, and dips. Most people are uncomfortable cooking fresh ones. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Test your culinary skills by steaming artichokes with olive oil, garlic, and rosemary, or stuffing them with feta and sundried tomatoes before roasting in the oven. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

A benefit of artichokes? These vegetables are high in potassium, as per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. According to the Academy, a food is considered “high” in a nutrient if it offers at least 20% of the DV.

Avocados Pack Ample Fiber and Heart-Healthy Fats

Avocado high fiber

Avocado lovers, rejoice! A reason to order avocado toast: The USDA reports that half an avocado contains 5 g of fibre, which is 18% of your daily DV. Avocado fat is also worth embracing. Avocados contain mostly monounsaturated fat, like olive oil, which is heart-healthy, according to Jonny Bowden, PhD, author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth from Los Angeles.

You may think of guacamole and avocado toast when you think of avocados, but there are many other uses. According to Marisa Moore, RDN, author of The Plant Love Kitchen and Atlanta-based, avocados are a nutrient-dense, adaptable fruit that can be consumed alone or in a range of delightful meals, such as soups, salads, and smoothies. She says she adds them to smoothies for creaminess and fibre.

Edamame Makes Filling Up on Fiber Easy and Fun

Edamame high fiber

A snack attack? Skip the chips and try edamame instead. Edamame is a fiber-rich food with 4 g per ½ cup, meeting 14% of the DV, according to the USDA. It offers protein, fibre, and healthy fat in one package. Okay, many small packages!” says Sakimura. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

More edamame benefits: According to three studies, those who consume isoflavone-rich foods like edamame or tofu have a moderately lower chance of getting heart disease.

Edamame can be eaten raw as an afternoon snack, as a side with sushi or Thai food, or in grain bowls and salads.

Beans Are a Versatile, Fiber-Rich Food With Protein and Iron, Too

Beans (Navy, Kidney, Garbanzo)

Beans are often associated with high-fiber foods, and for good reason.According to the USDA, ½ cup of cooked navy beans provides 34% of the DV with 9.5 g of fibre. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Pulses including black beans, pinto beans, and garbanzos are fiber-rich. By far, pulses of all kinds are my go-to high-fiber foods, says Moore. Moore says, “Black beans are a staple for side dishes, bean burgers, and skillets, and chickpeas are another staple — I love to roast and season them for a crunchy snack.

Beans are rich in protein and iron, which can aid in fighting anaemia, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Research from 2021 indicates that consuming 1 cup of canned beans can lower total and LDL cholesterol in those with high LDL levels. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Try adding beans to soups, salsas, and salads. Bean soup, burritos, and rice & beans can be the main course.

Pears Make for the Perfect Fiber-Filled Dessert

Pears high fiber

Pears should be added to your fruit bowl, too, even if apples are more popular. Why? Full of fibre! One medium-size pear has 5.5 g, 20% of the required DV, per the USDA.

Plus, they taste great. “Nibbling on a juicy, ripe pear is a great way to end a meal on a healthy sweet note if you try to avoid high-calorie, sugary desserts,” explains Sakimura. Pears are a high source of fibre and vitamin C, with a medium pear providing 7.7 mg, or 9% of the DV.

“You can store them for several weeks in the fridge, unlike more delicate fruit,” explains Sakimura. “Just let them ripen on the counter for a few days before eating.”

Lentils Are a Quick Way to Fill Up on Fiber

Lentils High Fiber

Start eating lentils regularly. “Lentils are full of fiber,” says Moore. Sakimura says, “They supply a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and they’re a terrific vegetarian source of protein and iron. Providing over 7 g of fibre per ½ cup of cooked lentils (25 percent DV), they make a healthy complement to burritos, burgers, and stuffed peppers.

“I like lentils in soups, curries and salads,” says Moore. According to Moore, red lentils boil quickly and are ideal for weeknight curry, while green and brown lentils offer protein and fibre to soups, stews, and rice pilaf.

Chia Seeds are Easy to Add to Any Meal

Chia Seeds high fiber


Want to add fibre to your food easily? Consider chia seeds. McMordie highlights the high fibre content of chia seeds, with 1 ounce (oz) containing over 10 g, or 35% of the DV, according to the USDA.

Other benefits abound in this small superfood. Sakimura claims that chia seeds are a premium source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

I sprinkle chia seeds over my muesli or cereal. McMordie suggests adding them to baked products or making chia pudding by mixing them with milk and letting them absorb it overnight.

No worries about their dominating your food’s flavour. “The seeds are pretty much tasteless; you can get away with sprinkling them into almost anything,” explains Sakimura.

Raspberries Are a Top Fiber-Rich Fruit

Raspberries high fiber

Berries are a nutritional powerhouse loaded with antioxidants and fibre, potentially reducing inflammation (Harvard). What makes raspberries special? One of the most fiber-rich berries. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Moore adds raspberries and blackberries are high-fiber favourites. Raspberries provide 8 g of fibre per cup, providing 28% of the DV (USDA). “And they add sweet-tart flavour to smoothies and snacktime,” Moore says.

They provide fibre and protein for a morning boost when sprinkled on yoghurt. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Wheat Bran Is a Simple Addition to Make Most Meals More Fiber-Packed

Wheat Bran high fiber

Sakimura adds wheat bran’s insoluble fibre may help regulate your GI system, making it useful for occasional constipation. Her advice is to gradually add fibre to your diet and drink plenty of water to avoid digestive issues. 11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Adding wheat bran is simple. “Sprinkling it in smoothies, cereal, or baked goods can increase fiber,” says McMordie. According to USDA, wheat bran has 6.2 g of fibre per ¼ cup, accounting for 22% of the DV.

Oatmeal Is a Classic High-Fiber Food That Is Easy to Jazz Up

oats in bowl and in spoons

Get back to basics with a fiber-rich snack like muesli: A ½ cup of raw oats contains 4 g of fibre; 14% of your DV, according to the USDA. My favorite high-fiber food is muesli, which I enjoy every morning due to its versatility in preparation’, says McMordie. Chia seeds with raspberries boost fibre!

11 High-Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet (FAQs)

What can I add to my diet to increase Fibre?

  1. As a general rule, include at least one serving of whole grain in every meal.
  2. Keep a jar of oat bran or wheat germ handy.
  3. Use whole-wheat flour when possible in your cooking and baking.
  4. Choose whole grain bread. …
  5. Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving

Which fruit is highest in fiber?

Fruit Serving size Fiber content
1. Passion fruit 1 cup 24 grams
2. Avocado 1 fruit 9 grams
3. Guava 1 cup 9 grams
4. Raspberries 1 cup 8 grams

How to eat 25 grams of fiber a day?

Recommended daily amounts of fiber-rich foods are as follows:
  1. Whole grains: 6-8 ounces a day.
  2. Fruits: At least 2 cups a day.
  3. Vegetables: 2.5 cups a day.
  4. Beans: 1 cup of cooked lentils contains more than 15 grams of fiber.
  5. Seeds: 1 handful of seeds contain approximately 3 grams of fiber.

How to eat 35 grams of fiber a day?

  1. Add 1 cup of beans or lentils to your meal.
  2. Cover half of your plate with vegetables (raw or cooked)
  3. Choose a whole-grain as your carbohydrate serving (barley, brown rice, quinoa, oats)
  4. Eat dessert! And add a serving of fruit.

10 Benefits of Avocados: Supercharge Your Health with These Powerhouses

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